Victor Jara

Con el Alma Llena de Banderas

신 디 2008. 9. 8. 17:55

El alma llena de banderas (우리들 마음은 기치로 가득차 있다)

Ahí debajo de la tierra,
no estas dormido, hermano, compañero.
Tu corazón oye brotar la primavera
que como tu soplando irán los vientos.
Ahí enterrado para el sol,
la nueva tierra cubre tu semilla,
la raíz profunda se hundirá
y nacerá la flor del nuevo día.
A tus pies heridos llegaran,
las manos del humilde, llegaran
Tu muerte muchas vidas traerá,
y hacia donde tu ibas, marcharan
Allí donde se oculta el criminal
tu nombre brinda al rico muchos nombres.
El que quemo tus alas al volar
no apagara el fuego de los pobres.
Allí hermano, aquí sobre la tierra,
el alma se nos llena de banderas
que avanzan.
Contra el miedo avanzan.

This song is also influenced by the political events in the Chile.

During the 1970 election, there was much violence when the government attacked Popular Unity gatherings.

As a result of these acts of violence, the Popular Unity part organized non-violent demonstrations to protest. In one of these demonstrations Miguel-Angel Aguilera,

a union worker, was walking home when the police attacked and killed him without reason.

This death caused much anger within the country.

Victor Jara wrote this song as a result of the event as an attack on the government.

The song also has an important message:

The importance of their struggle was so important that even death was a possiblity.

1970년 대통령선거운동 당시, 인민연합의 집회 시 정부측의 수많은 공격이 자행되었다.

이에 대하여 인민연합은 비폭력 시위로 저항하였다.

그 와중에 시위에 참석했던 Miguel-Angel Aguilera란 노동자가 경찰에 의해 살해당하는 일이 발생한다.
죽음만큼 강렬한 하라의 투쟁의 의지가 담긴 노래이다